Thursday, August 30, 2012
Ve el Video de Fernado Milagros para Mi Ultimo Round
Artista Fernando Milagros
Tema Nahual
Director Julio Jorquera
Fotografía Sergio Armstrong
Postproducción Libélula post
Productora Wood Producciones
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Estreno en Cines 14 de Junio
Sunday, February 05, 2012
Mi Ultimo Round / Zinegoak 2012 BILBAO/
Amor, homosexualidad y boxeo, ingredientes de éxito en la ganadora del Zinegoak
Anoche se celebró la gala de entrega de los premios de la novena edición del Zinegoak, Festival de Cine Gay-Lesbo-Trans de Bilbao. “Mi Último Round”, del chileno Julio Jorquera, fue elegida como mejor largometraje.“Por un innegable dominio del lenguaje cinematográfico cargado de estilo y personalidad y por acercarnos de manera sincera a un entorno y unos personajes atípicos dentro del cine LGTB”. Estas son las palabras con las que el Jurado Internacional, compuesto por Gulya Sultanova, Juanma Carrillo y Michelle Hoekstra, hizo entrega del galardón.
La película, opera prima de su autor, se desarrolla en Chile y cuenta la historia de amor entre un boxeador, Roberto Farías, y un ayudante de cocina, Héctor Morales. Con el pretexto de mostrarnos esta historia de amor, el film es además una denuncia a la situación que se vive en Chile respecto a la homosexualidad.
Txileko hegoaldean kokatzen da Octavio boxeolari arrakastatsuaren eta Hugo sukaldari laguntzailearen arteko maitasun istorioa. Hiriburura joatea erabakitzen dutenean, beraien arteko maitasuna izkutuan bizi nahiko dute inguratzen dituen mundu arrotzetik at. Dena den, gauzak ez zaizkie uste bezala aterako: konturatzerako Hugok Jennifer ezagutu eta harekin harreman bat hasiko du, eta Octavio bere aldetik, berriro hasiko da boxeatzen. Dena den, oraingo honetan Octaviok ez du buruan irabaztea, baizik eta ihes egin eta bere azken Round-a iristea. Latinoamerikako LGTB gaiak jorratzen dituen zinemaren erakusle eder eta intimista da filme hau.
Anoche se celebró la gala de entrega de los premios de la novena edición del Zinegoak, Festival de Cine Gay-Lesbo-Trans de Bilbao. “Mi Último Round”, del chileno Julio Jorquera, fue elegida como mejor largometraje.“Por un innegable dominio del lenguaje cinematográfico cargado de estilo y personalidad y por acercarnos de manera sincera a un entorno y unos personajes atípicos dentro del cine LGTB”. Estas son las palabras con las que el Jurado Internacional, compuesto por Gulya Sultanova, Juanma Carrillo y Michelle Hoekstra, hizo entrega del galardón.
La película, opera prima de su autor, se desarrolla en Chile y cuenta la historia de amor entre un boxeador, Roberto Farías, y un ayudante de cocina, Héctor Morales. Con el pretexto de mostrarnos esta historia de amor, el film es además una denuncia a la situación que se vive en Chile respecto a la homosexualidad.
Txileko hegoaldean kokatzen da Octavio boxeolari arrakastatsuaren eta Hugo sukaldari laguntzailearen arteko maitasun istorioa. Hiriburura joatea erabakitzen dutenean, beraien arteko maitasuna izkutuan bizi nahiko dute inguratzen dituen mundu arrotzetik at. Dena den, gauzak ez zaizkie uste bezala aterako: konturatzerako Hugok Jennifer ezagutu eta harekin harreman bat hasiko du, eta Octavio bere aldetik, berriro hasiko da boxeatzen. Dena den, oraingo honetan Octaviok ez du buruan irabaztea, baizik eta ihes egin eta bere azken Round-a iristea. Latinoamerikako LGTB gaiak jorratzen dituen zinemaren erakusle eder eta intimista da filme hau.
My Last Round /Göteborg International Film Festival/
The young Hugo is powerless to resist the middle-aged boxer Octavio?s raw magnetism and surrenders to his advances. They start a relationship which is deemed unacceptable in their small hometown in southern Chile. At the same time, Octavio is faced with a diagnose that may jeopardise his boxing career. They move to Santiago to begin a new life together, but nothing turns out the way they expected. This knockout debut and study in masculinity is characterised by beautiful, grainy cinematography and a controlled narrative, slowly winding up the drama. There are qualities reminiscent of the Dardenne brothers and Aronofsky?s The Wrestler. The atmosphere of the film is as compact as the cloudy skies above Santiago. A real wallop.
Niclas Goldberg
Section: HBTQ
Friday: 27/1 17.30
Bergakungen 3:
Saturday: 28/1 15.00
Bergakungen 3:
Thursday: 2/2 22.30
Haga 1:
Price: 80 SEK
12. prosinca i 13. prosinca u 20:00 Kino Grič, Jurišićeva 6 Moja posljednja runda / Mi último round r. Julio Jorquera, Čile/Argentina, 2011. scenaristi: Julio Jorquera Arriagada uloge: Roberto Farias, Hector Morales, Manuela Martelli, Alejandro Trejo trajanje: 87 min
Kako izgleda veza između mladića Huga i sredovječnog Octavia u mačističkom pa time i homofobnom mjestašcu u Čileu? Hugo, rastrojen nakon majčine smrti tek otkriva ljubav, dok Octavio istu skriva pred očima fanova. On je amaterski boksač, lokalni prvak koji saznaje da ga svaki sljedeći meč može stajati života. Nakon duge i snažne privlačnosti oni unatoč svojoj različitosti razbiju tabu i postaju ljubavnici. Odlučuju izgraditi nov život lišen prošlosti no nove se prepreke javljaju na njihovom putu. Izolirani svijet u kojem žive kao i kompleksnost života u malom gradu zajedno čini delikatno ispletenu atmosferu filma Moja posljednja runda. Iako mu je debitantski igrani film, Jorquera znalački pozicionira nježne trenutke iz spavaće sobe s nasilnim boksačkom borbom. Uz scenarij, izvrsnu glumačku interpretaciju te soundtrack/ glazbu Moja posljednja runda film je koji najavljuje još jednog od mladih južnoameričkih redatelja.
SERILE FILMULUI GAY International Film Festival, primul și singurul festival de film cu tematică LGBT din România ce se desfășoară încă din 2004 la Cluj-Napoca
In sudul Chile, o poveste de dragoste se naste intre Octavio, un boxer de succes, si Hugo, un ajutor bucatar. Mutandu-se in capitala Santiago, ei se asteapta sa-si indeplineasca visele si sa-si traiasca dragostea – ascunzand-o de lumea ostila din afara. Dar nimic nu iese asa cum a fost planuit: in timp ce Hugo o intalneste pe Jennifer, care ii arata o lume necunoscuta, Octavio mai incearca o data ce stie el mai bine: box. Dar de data aceasta nu-si mai doreste victoria. Lupta ar putea fi o noua cale de scapare – sa ultima sa runda.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
MY LAST ROUND in International Film Festival Of The Art Of Cinematography PLUS CAMERIMAGE
Pokazywany na XIX Plus Camerimage "My Last Round" (reż. Julio Jorquera , zdj. Sergio Armstrong ) to film odważny, bo walczący ze stereotypem "machismo". (I jednocześnie ujawniający, jak uproszczenia kalają nasze postrzeganiem kultury, jak nas ograniczają.)
o opowieść o miłości boksera Octavio i ciągle szukającego swojego miejsca w życiu Hugo; melodramat, w którym nie ma ani krzty sentymentalizmu, czy egzaltacji. Mężczyzn wiąże przedziwne przemieszanie miłości z nienawiścią, zazdrości z dumą, chwilami nie wiadomo, czy są tylko od siebie uzależnieni, czy się kochają. Być może miłość w interpretacji Jorguera i Armstronga jest właśnie uzależnieniem. Ale jak o tym uzależnieniu opowiedziano! Zdumiewa chropowatość stylu, szczególna wizualna szorstkość, która okazują się idealna, by mówić o szorstkiej miłości. Chropowatość i szorstkość wynikające z operowania tylko zimnymi kolorami, nieprzyjaznym bohaterom światłem, zastosowanie ziarna, decydują o wyjątkowości tego przecież melodramatu. Zimno opowiada się o gorącej, mimo wszystko, relacji.
Zaakceptowałam historię, bohaterów i sposób, w jaki o nich opowiedziano. Od pierwszego wejrzenia weszłam w ten tylko pozornie męski, czyli - jak to się stereotypowo postrzega - pozbawiony wrażliwości, subtelności i niuansów świat, który okazuje się przestrzenią ludzi okaleczonych przymusem bycia silnym do końca i za wszelką cenę. Octavio nie może ujawnić jak i kogo kocha, bo straci status gwiazdora. To, kogo kocha skryty i wycofany Hugo nikogo nie obchodzi. Do chwili, gdy nie spotka ujętej jego wrażliwością dziewczyny. I to Hugo jest silniejszy. I mniej zdesperowany. Jego wycofanie nie jest symptomem słabości czy leku, ale okazuje się dowodem siły i dojrzałości.
W "My Last Round" miłość nie tylko jest uzależnieniem, wiąże się również z desperacją i chęcią zawłaszczenia, zawładnięcia drugim człowiekiem. I to ten na pierwszy rzut oka silniejszy jest bardziej zdeterminowany, jemu zależy bardziej, szkoda tylko, że ujawnia to tak późno i w taki sposób.
Miłość w "My Last Round" nikogo nie uskrzydla, ani nie inspiruje, ale bohaterowie mają tylko ją.
[Katarzyna Taras]
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Mi Ultimo Round en Madrid
Héctor Morales y Roberto Farías Comparten el premio como Mejor Actor!!!!
7 de Noviembre Casa de America 20:30
10 de Noviembre Sala Berlanga 21:30
7 de Noviembre Casa de America 20:30
10 de Noviembre Sala Berlanga 21:30
Mi Ultimo Round Mejor Película Barcelona International Gay & Lesbian Film Festival
Film que desmitifica el machismo en el mundo del boxeo. En el sur de Chile, una historia de amor nace entre Octavio boxeador de éxito y Hugo, ayudante de cocina. Al trasladarse a la capital, Santiago, esperan cumplir allí sus sueños y vivir su amor - en secreto, desafiando un mundo exterior hostil. Sin embargo, el coqueteo heterosexual de Hugo pondrá en peligro su relación debido a la integridad homosexual del boxeador. Esta lucha podría ser otra salida - o su último asalto.
6 de Noviembre / Filmoteca de Catalunya
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
My Last Round in Image + Nation Montréal
Mi Último Round (My Last Round)
Julio Jorquera | Chili/Argentine | 2010 | | 87 min | v.o. espagnole | s.-t.a.
Récemment endeuillé et travaillant dans une cuisine, Hugo (la vedette de théâtre Héctor Morales) rencontre Octavio, un boxeur d’âge moyen (Roberto Farías, dégageant l’intensité vibrante d’un Jake LaMotta), après avoir ... [+]
Récemment endeuillé et travaillant dans une cuisine, Hugo (la vedette de théâtre Héctor Morales) rencontre Octavio, un boxeur d’âge moyen (Roberto Farías, dégageant l’intensité vibrante d’un Jake LaMotta), après avoir été témoin d’un accident. Sous une apparence de macho insensible soigneusement entretenue, Octavio brûle d’amour pour Hugo. Quand Octavio apprend qu’il est atteint d’une maladie potentiellement mortelle, les deux hommes décident de repartir à neuf à Santiago – pour se rendre compte, finalement, qu’ils sont tout simplement passés d’un ring de boxe à un autre. Totalement inconscient de son pouvoir de séduction sur les femmes, Hugo se met naïvement à flirter avec la fille de son patron, propriétaire d’une animalerie. Voyant le comportement d’Hugo et le désastre se profiler à l’horizon, Octavio lui plaque un baiser fougueux sur les lèvres, déclenchant une série d’événements qui changeront leur vie… Quatrième long métrage de Julio Jorquera, cinéaste fervent de justice sociale, Mi Último Round pose un regard perspicace sur différentes visions de la masculinité et sur les difficultés de vivre dans le secret. La présence imposante de Farías contraste résolument avec la personnalité plus tempérée de Morales, différences que mettent en valeur leurs rôles respectifs. Grâce à une cinématographie subtile, Sergio Armstrong capte avec brio la palette hivernale délavée du Chili et confère aux chorégraphies des combats un réalisme qui nous tient en haleine. [-]
samedi 29 oct_15h00 | PGM 12 | Theatre Hall Concordia
Également dans ce programme : I Feel Guilty (Me siento culpable)
Mi Ultimo Round en 16 Festival Internacional de Cine de Ourense
O meu último asalto / Mi útimo round / My Last Round
[Cinebox sala 7] Outubro/October 21 (20:00h) | 22 (17:00h) | 22 (23:00h)
My Last Round in16 th Seattle Gay Lesbian Film Festival
Wednesday, October 19
9:30 pm 10/19 at Egyptian Theatre
My Last Round
Julio Jorquera Arriagada | 87 min.
After toughened boxer Octavio and kitchen hand Hugo surrender to their intense attraction for each other, they move from their oppressive small town to the capital. Octavio is advised to stop fighting due to epilepsy and struggles with the decision to leave his career behind. Hugo, meanwhile, is confused about his feelings for his new boss’s daughter, and when his worlds collide, it leaves a rip in his life that isn’t easy to mend. Writer-director Julio Jorquera Arriagada’s heartfelt debut film features passionate performances and an acoustic score against a stark
9:30 pm 10/19 at Egyptian Theatre
My Last Round
Julio Jorquera Arriagada | 87 min.
After toughened boxer Octavio and kitchen hand Hugo surrender to their intense attraction for each other, they move from their oppressive small town to the capital. Octavio is advised to stop fighting due to epilepsy and struggles with the decision to leave his career behind. Hugo, meanwhile, is confused about his feelings for his new boss’s daughter, and when his worlds collide, it leaves a rip in his life that isn’t easy to mend. Writer-director Julio Jorquera Arriagada’s heartfelt debut film features passionate performances and an acoustic score against a stark
My Last Round in Lesbisch Schwule Filmtage Hamburg | International Queer Film Festival
Mittwoch, 19. Oktober, 20:15, Metropolis - Steindamm
Julio Jorquera Arriagada, Argentinien 2011, 110 ', Original mit deutschen Untertiteln
In einer tristen Südchilenischen Kleinstadt finden der Boxer Octavio und der jüngere Hugo zueinander. Sie beschließen, in Santiago de Chile gemeinsam noch einmal ganz von Vorne anzufangen. Octavio, wortkarg und barsch, lässt sich trotz einer niederschmetternden Diagnose zu einem weiteren, womöglich lebensgefährlichen Boxkampf überreden, den er vor Hugo verheimlicht. Der bandelt mit seiner neuen Arbeitskollegin an, was eine verhängnisvolle Kettenreaktion auslöst. In seinem Spielfilm-Debüt verknüpft Regisseur Julio Jorquera Arriagada geschickt die Last-Fight-Dramaturgie amerikanischer Sportdramen à la "Rocky" mit einer wunderbar stillen und zugleich kraftvollen Liebesgeschichte, die in ihren besten Momenten an die Intensität eines "Brokeback Mountain" heranreicht. Zudem verbietet sich Arriagada jegliche Anbiederung an die überstrapazierte farbenfrohe Postkarten-Ästhetik Südamerikas. Die Schauplätze seines Films taucht er konsequent in Grautöne und lässt schwere Regengüsse über sie niederprasseln. Zusammen mit dem zurückgenommenen Spiel der beiden Hauptdarsteller vermag "Mi Último Round" jene art angenehmer Schwermütigkeit zu erzeugen, für die abgedunkelte Kinosäle geschaffen wurden. dt
Adoptier mich!
In his debut, Chilean director Julio Jorquera Arriagada blends narrative techniques of American sports dramas in the vein of "rocky" with a love story that is both subtle and riveting. It revolves around middleaged boxer Octavio and the younger Hugo, who fall in love and on hard times when they leave their forlorn small city to start over in Santiago. At its best "Mi Ultimo round" matches the intensity of "Brokeback Mountain" and even ups the former in terms of sheer drabness.
Julio Jorquera Arriagada, Argentinien 2011, 110 ', Original mit deutschen Untertiteln
In einer tristen Südchilenischen Kleinstadt finden der Boxer Octavio und der jüngere Hugo zueinander. Sie beschließen, in Santiago de Chile gemeinsam noch einmal ganz von Vorne anzufangen. Octavio, wortkarg und barsch, lässt sich trotz einer niederschmetternden Diagnose zu einem weiteren, womöglich lebensgefährlichen Boxkampf überreden, den er vor Hugo verheimlicht. Der bandelt mit seiner neuen Arbeitskollegin an, was eine verhängnisvolle Kettenreaktion auslöst. In seinem Spielfilm-Debüt verknüpft Regisseur Julio Jorquera Arriagada geschickt die Last-Fight-Dramaturgie amerikanischer Sportdramen à la "Rocky" mit einer wunderbar stillen und zugleich kraftvollen Liebesgeschichte, die in ihren besten Momenten an die Intensität eines "Brokeback Mountain" heranreicht. Zudem verbietet sich Arriagada jegliche Anbiederung an die überstrapazierte farbenfrohe Postkarten-Ästhetik Südamerikas. Die Schauplätze seines Films taucht er konsequent in Grautöne und lässt schwere Regengüsse über sie niederprasseln. Zusammen mit dem zurückgenommenen Spiel der beiden Hauptdarsteller vermag "Mi Último Round" jene art angenehmer Schwermütigkeit zu erzeugen, für die abgedunkelte Kinosäle geschaffen wurden. dt
Adoptier mich!
In his debut, Chilean director Julio Jorquera Arriagada blends narrative techniques of American sports dramas in the vein of "rocky" with a love story that is both subtle and riveting. It revolves around middleaged boxer Octavio and the younger Hugo, who fall in love and on hard times when they leave their forlorn small city to start over in Santiago. At its best "Mi Ultimo round" matches the intensity of "Brokeback Mountain" and even ups the former in terms of sheer drabness.
Monday, October 17, 2011
My Last Round in Fort Lauderdale GLFF
Octavio is a struggling Chilean boxer living in Osorno and working as a hairdresser to make ends meet. Hugo is a troubled young man searching for his true self. The couple fall in love and move to capital city of Santiago with energized dreams of building a life together and protecting their love from a harsh world. This is a powerful film that captures the passionate rise and tragic fall of a couple's relationship.
Saturday, October 08, 2011
ImageOut Festival Blog: My Last Round (Mi Último Round)
ImageOut Festival Blog: My Last Round (Mi Último Round): Unique, dramatic, tender, brutal (in the boxing-sense). Each of these words describes My Last Round to a tee. It may be sunny and warm in...
Thursday, September 29, 2011
My Last Round in Warsaw Film Festival
MULTIKINO 4>piątek>07 Października>16.30
MULTIKINO 4>niedziela>09 Października>21.30
MULTIKINO 3>środa>12 Października>16.15
IMAGE OUT The Rochester Lesbian & Gay Film Festival
Chile, Argentina 2011, Video, 87 min. | Director: Julio Jorquera
In Spanish with English subtitles
Following the death of his mother, Hugo is feeling lost and directionless. He’s just been fired from his job after it’s discovered that he’s been sleeping with the boss’ girl, and now he’s struggling to make ends meet. By chance, he meets Octavio, a middle-aged local amateur boxer. Recently diagnosed as epileptic, Octavio’s doctors inform him that unless he gives up boxing, he risks further brain damage and possibly death. The younger man is attracted to the boxer, even secretly watching him from his room. Though Octavio is a picture of masculinity with his blunt physicality, he soon makes it known that Hugo’s attention hasn’t gone unnoticed, with an unexpected kiss in the woods.
Looking to put their pasts behind them and start a new life together, they decide to leave their small Chilean town and move to the capital city of Santiago, where they hope to keep their relationship hidden from the prying eyes of a society that won’t accept their love. They find happiness together, but it isn’t long before they each face temptations that threaten to put an end to their idyllic existence: Hugo in the form of Jenny, a flirtatious co-worker, and Octavio when he receives an unexpected invitation to return to the ring.
Reminiscent of Darren Aronofsky’s The Wrestler in its quiet tenderness and charming subtlety, My Last Round never paints a rosy picture of the troubled relationship of these two handsome men. Writer/Director Julio Jorquera coaxes brilliantly natural and lived-in raw performances from his two lead actors, making My Last Round a tender and unforgettable love story about the devastating costs of living a life in secret.
- Adam Lubitow
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Festival de Cinema Gay e Lésbico de Lisboa16 a 24 Set. 2011
Roberto Farías fue premiado como mejor actor, el jurado destacó su "celo, dedicación y simplicidad" para desarrollar las contradicciones de un personaje que vive en una comunidad masculina en el sur de Chile.
19 Set. às 17h00
Cinema São Jorge, Sala 1 (CSJ S1)
17 Set. às 17h00
Cinema São Jorge, Sala 1 (CSJ S1)
No sul do Chile nasce uma história de amor entre Octavio, um boxeur bem-sucedido, e Hugo, um assistente de cozinha. Quando se mudam para a capital Santiago, esperam viver os seus sonhos e o seu amor – protegendo-o em segredo do hostil mundo exterior. Mas nada acontece como planeado.
Enquanto Hugo conhece Jennifer, Octavio vira-se para aquilo que faz melhor: o boxe. Mas desta vez não procura vitórias. Esta luta pode ser o seu caminho para fugir – ou então o seu último “round”.
19 Set. às 17h00
Cinema São Jorge, Sala 1 (CSJ S1)
17 Set. às 17h00
Cinema São Jorge, Sala 1 (CSJ S1)
No sul do Chile nasce uma história de amor entre Octavio, um boxeur bem-sucedido, e Hugo, um assistente de cozinha. Quando se mudam para a capital Santiago, esperam viver os seus sonhos e o seu amor – protegendo-o em segredo do hostil mundo exterior. Mas nada acontece como planeado.
Enquanto Hugo conhece Jennifer, Octavio vira-se para aquilo que faz melhor: o boxe. Mas desta vez não procura vitórias. Esta luta pode ser o seu caminho para fugir – ou então o seu último “round”.
Friday, September 09, 2011
It’s movies like Mi Ultimo Round (My Last Round) that make being an aGLIFF24 programmer/screener so rewarding. In my opinion, this is the finest LGBT feature film I have seen all year. I have reviewed 190 of the 300 submissions and this is an impressive film. Mi Ultimo Round is rich in character, deep in emotional connections, original in its settings and locations as well as moving in its superb acting and directing.
An official Tribeca Film Festival selection, Julio Jorquera Arriagada, in his directorial and screenwriting debut, has created a new and fresh gay love story set in Santiago, Chile, in the gritty world of boxing. The originality of this story is something to be praised because you quickly become fascinated by the setting, characters, and this unique love story of opposites.
The quiet and shy Hugo (Hector Morales), having just lost his mother and now confronted with a bleak future and no job, spies in a moment, the middle aged but macho boxer, Octavio (Roberto Farias) on his usual jog. Hugo heads into his small town of Osorno to look for work finding it in a local restaurant. A dramatic event one afternoon near Octavio’s boxing rink brings the two together for the first time. Octavio suffers from a life threatening health condition and after consulting doctors is told he will never be able to box again. Octavio is stunned because boxing is his life and in his blood.
Octavio’s attraction for Hugo soon turns intense and on discovering where Hugo lives, pays him a visit one evening where Hugo can no longer deny his attraction for Octavio as well. This particular scene is artfully crafted in a way that makes you aware, in unspoken words, the tender afterglow of their love making making it clear they are madly in love with each other.
Weather is an effective omen throughout the film and on a lonely, rainy pier they realize their relationship could not survive in this small town and decide to move to Santiago where they can live a happy private life. Hugo finds work in a pet supply store and befriends the daughter of the owner and Octavio finds work as a barber. Hugo’s friendship with the store owner’s daughter because flirtatious and give the daughter the impression a relationship is developing. Octavio overhears of a boxing match in his barber shop and one evening after attending the brutal match, re-ignites his passion for boxing.
One day the daughter of the pet store stop by Hugo’s apartment where only Octavio is home. She tells Octavio of her relationship with Hugo, and while Octavio’s demeanor is cool and calm, you can sense the utter rage boiling underneath at Hugo’s unfaithfulness which climaxes into the turning point of the film.
This is a unique and dramatic gay themed film. The more you get involved with the characters the more engrossing it becomes. Mi Ultimo Round has a realistic craftsmanship which is uncompromising in it’s depiction, despite Hugo and Octavio poverty and differences, of an intense, loving, tragic, gay relationship, I can’t tell you how satisfying it is to watch such a groundbreaking gay film. For a gay love story, its a total knock out.
Relationship troubles also spill over into the comedy Coffee & Pie, a whimsical short about how to deal with a break-up, especially when it’s with a pretty manipulative person. Offbeat and insightful, the film introduces the audience to a new, profound term-confucked.
Contributed by Roger Cook, Screening Team
FEATURE: MI ULTIMO ROUND (Dir Julio Jorquera; CL; Gay; Run Time 87min)
SHORT: COFFEE & PIE (Dir Douglas Horn; US; Lesbian; Run Time 16min)
10September: 7:15PM, Alamo Drafthouse South Lamar
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
My Last Round in Miami Film Festival
Rocky meets Brokeback Mountain in Julio Jorquera’s powerful debut drama about an epileptic boxer who falls in love with a younger man. Octavio, a struggling Chilean boxer who works as a hairdresser during the day falls in love with Hugo, a troubled young man who finds himself searching for his true self. Both men struggle with their sexual identities as well as their personal and professional lives. Octavio gets a dreadful medical diagnosis that could end his last shot at boxing glory. Is he ready to hang up his boxing gloves or is he willing to fight one last time? -Andres Castillo
Complimentary screening RSVP: ***Director Julio Jorquera will be in attendance for intro and Q&A ***
Monday, July 25, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
My Last Round NewFest New York GLFF 2011

Screenings 2:00 PM Sun, Jul 24 Cinema Village 1
Set in a machismo-centric town where homosexuality is taboo, the film follows Hugo, a young man that falls in love Octavio, a middle-aged local boxing champion. When Octavio is advised by doctors never to box again for risk of permanent brain damage, the couple attempt to build a new life together, one free of their past. However, the romantic advances of a female coworker threaten to unravel Hugo’s relationship with Octavio, while also serving as the catalyst to drive Octavio back into the ring for one last fight.
Writer/director Julio Jorquera creates a lovely portrait of a relationship between two very different people. For as much as Octavio cares for Hugo, he struggles with keeping his affection away from the eyes of his boxing fans. Meanwhile, Hugo is still discovering his identity, uncertain if he can spend his life with a man who wishes to go back into the ring, despite the knowledge that the next punch could kill him. Jorquera guides the story along with a precise touch, directing both the gentle bedroom moments and the violent boxing matches with equal confidence. From the script to the performances to the soundtrack, this is a strong first effort from a director worth watching.
Review By D.Indalecio Guzmán
Monday, June 27, 2011
Mi Ultimo Round (Afiche)

Director Julio Jorquera makes his directorial debut at the 2011 Tribeca Film Festival with My Last Round (Mi Ultimo Round), an astounding and heartfelt story from Latin America.
The story follows Hugo, a shy man, who goes unnoticed in a small town in the southern region of Chile. The daily routine, and needless attention he gets from women, is no longer something he appreciates – that is until he meets Octavio, a local boxing champion, who is standing at the crossroad too. The deep romance takes both characters by surprise and soon they find each other confronting jealousy, and love in an intimidating atmosphere.
Jorquera creates a mesmerizing world in My Last Round, from the complexities of a small town to the isolating world the main characters choose to live in. The performances are simply brilliant anchoring the story from beginning to end, and capturing the unpredictable love story.
My Last Round is simultaneously being shown in this year’s TFF, so aside from the public screenings, movie going audiences might also see the film online at the T(O)FF.
TFF Public Screenings: Sun 4/24, Tues 4/26, and Fri 4/29. To buy tickets, or screen online, check out the Tribeca Film Festival official site.
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